5 Ways a Print Policy Can Help Control Your Costs in 2018, LCI Office Solutions

5 Ways a Print Policy Can Help Control Your Costs in 2018

Does your office  have a print policy in place? If you answered no, you’re not alone. Even though print is often a big expense for businesses, many don’t realize how a print policy can help keep these costs in check. A print policy is a set of rules and guidelines that outline your expectations for printing in the office. It can help you reduce equipment costs, supply expenses, electricity use, and associated print costs. It’s time to make cutting down on your print costs a priority for 2018!

To get started on putting together a print policy, it’s important to look at how print is being used in your company. You’ll want to include measures that limit unnecessary printing while not inhibiting your employees from doing their jobs efficiently. Consider these five areas where a print policy can help:

1. Print purchasing and servicing – If you don’t have a plan in place to buy new equipment or service what you have, you will probably end up spending more than you need to on your printers. Establishing a policy for how equipment problems will be dealt with will help keep your costs under control.

2. Color printing – Color printing is a nice feature to have when you need it, but it is more expensive than printing in black and white. You should consider what departments actually need the ability to print in color and restrict its usage accordingly.

3. Print volume – Some departments utilize print to get the job done, while others may have less of a need. Limiting the allowed volume of prints per department can help cut down costs and encourage employees to be more mindful about what they print.

4. Printer defaults – If you don’t set your print defaults to more economical settings, you could be wasting your money. Most employees don’t check the print settings before sending the job to the printer. Default to black and white double-sided prints to help save money.

5. Communication and feedback – Even the best print policy is useless if it’s not communicated effectively. The print policy should be explained clearly to employees, and monitoring reports sent periodically to show the progress being made. You should also allow for employee feedback on your policy to make sure it is improving efficiency rather than hindering your employees in doing their jobs.

Unchecked, print costs can quickly grow out of control and hurt your bottom line. By taking the time to put together a comprehensive print policy you can save money on supplies and equipment, while also making a more efficient print environment.

To help you get started, why not download our free Office Print Policy Guide where you’ll find incredible office print statistics, common office printing problems and ideas on how you can launch your own office print policy!

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