The Benefits of MPS for Schools

Is there any more print-heavy area than education? Schools are required to print a variety of documents from worksheets for students to complex legal documents required by state and federal regulations. The heavy demand on print is countered by strained budgets at every level of education. Managed Print Services can help balance these demands to improve your school, district, or institution.

Managed Print Services Reduces Waste

Anyone who works in education knows that every year the demands go up while the budget shrinks. As schools try to do more with less, it’s imperative to cut waste and unnecessary spending without losing quality.

A Managed Print Services provider can do an analysis of your print environment to find the waste in your system. This can come from maintaining printers from multiple vendors, outdated equipment, or unnecessary printing. Once problems are identified, an MPS provider can help develop a plan to reign in wasteful spending to help print fit into your budget.

Predictable Spending

MPS does more than help reduce print costs – it also makes them more predictable. MPS can maintain your print environment at a fixed monthly cost. This predictability can help you develop your budget from year to year, including scheduled printer upgrades to keep your district technologically up to date while keeping costs under control.

Reduced IT Needs

Your IT team has a lot of demands. Computer labs, SMART boards, and parent portals require the attention of your IT professionals in a timely manner, but often they get called away to deal with a jammed or broken printer. With the management of your printers outsourced to an MPS provider your IT team can deal with these other priorities, which keep students, teachers, and parents focused on the ultimate goal: a great education for every student.

Your school depends on print, and print costs a lot of money. Managed Print Services can help keep your printing costs predictable and under control, while also improving your efficiency and security. Want to learn more?

Contact us at LCI Solutions and we’ll be happy to show you how Managed Print Services can create efficiencies for your school district.




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