Do You Know the Cost? The Hidden Costs of Printing, LCI Office Solutions, Beaverton, Oregon

Do You Know the Cost? The Hidden Costs of Printing.

Do you know what printing is actually costing your company? In many businesses, print is the third highest monthly expense, right behind rent and payroll. But often, it’s an overlooked area when it comes to lowering expenses. Unmanaged print could be costing you thousands!

Here are a few ways you might be spending a lot more than you think!

1. Consumables – Supplies aren’t a hidden cost, but management of those supplies can be. Employees might purchase more toner than they need, leaving the extra in an unsecured area where anyone could help themselves.

2. Hardware – Do you know the cost-per-print for your devices? Printers are more affordable than ever, but sometimes the costs to keep them running can be surprisingly high. A good rule of thumb: the cheaper the printer, the higher the operating costs.

3. Lost Productivity – When a printer goes down, work can come to a standstill. While you’re waiting for the repair person, jobs can pile up. All that time spent waiting can cost you big time!

4. Unnecessary Use – You know Cindy in accounting? She just printed 200 flyers for her annual July 4th luau on your machine. Or how about Tom who prints out all his emails in color? Unauthorized and unmonitored print can cost you for supplies, consumables and energy.

5. Support, Repairs and Maintenance – When a printer goes down, most likely it’s your IT team that’s called upon to get it up and running. When they’re fixing printer issues they’re not doing the critical IT work you rely on. It’s estimated that 40% to 60% of IT help desk calls are print-related.

Your print environment is a complex area that could be costing you thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses each year. Businesses of all sizes are turning to Managed Print Services as a way to cut costs, increase productivity and enhance security.

If you’re considering engaging an MPS provider, give us a call and schedule a free, no-obligation print assessment! Let us show you how an MPS solution can streamline your print environment and save you money.

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